From the Australian Associated Press:
In what is reputed to be the worst train massacre of Indian refugees yet to occur, 3,000 Moslems were killed and 1,000 wounded on Monday, when a train was attacked by Sikhs for three hours at Amritsar. All seven trains which have left Lahore since Thursday have been attacked, says Reuters.
In clothing blood-stained from hiding under heaps of dead and dying fellow passengers, wounded survivors today told a story of hours of horror unsurpassed in the riot-torn areas
They declare that the train was first attacked 30 miles to the east of Amritsar but the assault was beaten off. A train carrying Sikh troops passed during the attack, but they did not intervene. After arrival at Amritsar on Monday evening the train pulled up a short distance from the platform. A crowd of Sikhs armed with rifles, swords, and spears opened fire from both sides of the track. Sikhs left a troop train to join the massacre.
The train's escort—said to be Hindu Jats—were ordered to fire by the British officer in command, but they fired over the heads of the attackers. The officer alone attempted to defend the train, blasting the raiders with a machine gun until his ammunition ran out, after which he was killed—by his own men, it is reported.
The Sikhs then closed in and swept through the train killing men, women and children by sword and spear. The slaughter is said to have lasted three hours. It was not until nearly dawn on Tuesday that the train was shunted back to the platform.
The West Punjab Government, quoted by Reuter, announced today that several thousand Moslems attacked a Sikh-Hindu refugee train at Kamoke, about 25 miles west of Lahore, on Wednesday, killing 340 Sikhs and Hindus and wounding 250. An urgent meeting of the emergency committee of the Indian Cabinet was called yesterday to discuss the serious situation caused by the resumption of attacks on refugee trains in the Punjab, says Associated Press of Great Britain.
A military spokesman said today that tension in the Punjab is mounting. Serious attacks on re fugee trains and convoys have caused heavy casualties Renter says that the Pakistan Government has stopped all refugee trains between East and West Punjab. Vast Migration Mass migration in the Punjab has reached a scale unprecedented in history, says the correspondent of "The Times." It is reasonable to estimate that at least 4,000,000 people are on the move.
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